
All decarbonisation pathways must be designed with people, and the principles of a just and fair transition, as their starting point.

IPPR has been working to explore what a fair transition to net zero transport looks like in Great Britain.

Within this report we present findings based on analysis of England’s National Travel Survey and the Scottish Household Survey (2013 to 2021), weighted to reflect transport behaviours of all adults in Great Britain (including Wales).

At the heart of this new analysis are 12 profiles that describe the ways people travel now and the opportunities that exist for different groups on the path to net zero. We argue that the path to net zero has to be about the real-world impact that change will have in people’s lives and communities.

This report

  • summarises the key challenges facing decisionmakers in seeking to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from transport
  • presents analysis of the relationship between transport emissions and inequality
  • introduces a new model for understanding how people travel and the opportunities that different groups have to reduce emissions at pace
  • considers the implications of transport inequality on decarbonisation pathways and policy design.