
Transitional supported housing (TSH) is a crucial service to many of society’s most vulnerable people, supporting and housing 189,500 people.

TSH helps them towards greater independence and happier and more stable lives, while simultaneously saving billions for the NHS and the wider public purse. Yet, despite its importance, TSH is largely overlooked in the national debate on housing.

The sector stands at a crossroads. The Covid-19 crisis brings threat and opportunity for the hundreds of thousands of people who will rely on the TSH sector both now and in the future.

Providing a clear definition of TSH and who it supports, this report charts how the sector’s fragmented state evolved and the challenges it now faces. It then sets out a clear plan for how the government can secure the sector’s future, providing vital support to some of the most vulnerable people in society, saving billions for the taxpayer, and building on its bold ‘Everyone In’ programme.