Choice and Equity in Teacher Supply
"This study unashamedly stretches its methodology, as the best 'think tank' pieces do, to raise all the ideas which need to be harnessed together if we are to reduce some of the most savage inequalities of schooling in this country. Let's hope for the sake of these children and young people that the policy makers and implementers read it and take action." Professor Tim Brighouse, DfES
The education of disadvantaged children is suffering from the high staff turnover of challenging schools, and there is currently no policy geared specifically towards the recruitment and retention of these teachers.
This report focuses on a range of issues including pay and workload, Initial Teacher Training, Continuing Professional Development, leadership and management, pupil behaviour, class sizes and resources.
Anna Bush suggests a series of pragmatic and incremental policy ideas that could be implemented without significant resource implications. These ideas focus on getting the basic things right and will prove invaluable to policy-makers, the teaching profession and anyone interested in education.
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