Restoring the Balance: Strengthening the Government's proposals for regional assemblies
Regional assemblies with powers over economic growth, planning, culture and housing could be created in England's regions within the next few years. It is a crucial step forward in the devolution process and could answer the English Question: how is England to be governed following the devolution of power to Scotaland, Wales and Northern Ireland?
John Adams and John Tomaney have been closely involved in the development of policy on regional devolution. They revisit the case for devolution, arguing that it ought to be part of the Government's vision for a more progressive United Kingdom; welcome the publication of Your Region, Your Choice, but note that the mixed bag of powers reflects Whitehall turf wars not objective analysis; and suggest how the Government's proposals could be strengthened, so that future assemblies might better be able to tackle the very serious problems which they face.
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