About Autocracy or bureaucracy: What is the real threat to democracy in 2025?

One of the defining characteristics of our age is the rising appeal ofauthoritarians. The curious fact is boththeir supporters and opponentsbelieve they are acting in the interests of democracy. 

This is because of differing perceptions of the threat to democracy. One side viewthe bureaucratic institutions ofstate and the law as thwartingpublic will. The other fears unchecked executive power and its proximity to untrammelled corporate freedom. 

The election of President Trump and his employment of the world’s richest man, Elon Musk, has cranked up the volume of this debate. Deep concerns about a new era of oligarchy have surfaced, but so has quiet admiration for at least the appearance of decisivepolitical action. 

In that context, this event will consider which is the bigger threat to democracy in 2025: autocracy or bureaucracy? We will consider if we are entering an era of authoritarians, and what might stop that? Is there a democratic reform agenda that can take the UK to a more demanding version of democracy, instead of down the authoritarianpath?  

Our speakers:

  • Professor Ben Ansell, Professor of Comparative Democratic Institutions, University of Oxford
  • Polly Mackenzie, Chief Social Purpose Officer, University of the Arts London
  • Polly Toynbee, Columnist, The Guardian
  • Dr Parth Patel, Associate Director for Democracy & Politics, IPPR
  • Others to be announced

This event is by invitation-only. Please contact o.vaughan@ippr.org for more information. 

This event is held in partnership with