Towards and beyond 2030: Great British Energy's role in the green transition
About Towards and beyond 2030: Great British Energy's role in the green transition
On Wednesday 19th March we are launching IPPR's new report, 2030 and Beyond: Great British Energy's Role in the Green Transition, which explores the operating model and governance of Great British Energy (GBE). This research has kindly been sponsored by EnBW.
We are delighted to be joined by Juergen Maier CBE, Chair of Great British Energy, Jigar Shah, former Director of the Loan Programs Office in the US Department of Energy under President Biden, and Pilita Clark, Business Columnist at the Financial Times.
The UK government created Great British Energy (GBE) to help deliver secure, clean and affordable electricity. Achieving this requires bold, but focused, actions, without burdening GBE with conflicting objectives.
This report offers an implementation strategy for GBE’s success. It outlines the rationale and practical implications of an operating model and governance structure aligned with its foundational mandate, designed to ensure swift impact. With 2030 fast approaching, it also offers suggestions on how GBE could evolve into a publicly owned domestic champion with a significant presence across a broader scope of the UK electricity sector.
Please note this event is by invitation only.