Press Story

Responding to today's figures for the number of young people Not in Employment, Education or Training (NEET), IPPR analysis shows the rise over the last year is the biggest rise since records began in the year 2000.

Dalia Ben-Galim, IPPR Associate Director, said:

"Today's rise in the number of young people not in employment, education or training is the biggest since records began in 2000. Compared with the same period last year, there are now 119,000 more 19-24 year olds our of both work and training, representing a rise of 18 per cent.

"These figures confirm that the Government is not doing enough to support young people. While the planned expansion of apprenticeships is welcome, it is clearly not enough and the Government needs to provide more places in Further Education colleges and a job guarantee for every young person out of work for more than a year."

The worse rise is in the North West - up 37,000 (a rise of 36 per cent). The East of England - up 17,000 (a rise of 27 per cent) - and London up 19,000 (a rise of 20 per cent) - have also suffered rises higher than the national average.


Richard Darlington, 07525 481 602,

Tim Finch, 07595 920899,