Press Story

"The Chancellor had choices in this budget. He could have chosen to go even slower on the pace of deficit reduction and not give further tax breaks to higher earners. Instead he will be saving over £1bn from cuts to social security for the disabled and families on the lowest incomes.

"George Osborne says that a worsening economic climate has changed so his priorities have had to change. But weakening the social safety net even further is the wrong priority."


Sofie Jenkinson, 07981 023 031,
Lester Holloway, 07585 772 633,

Notes to Editors:

Our report 'Promoting contribution: Boosting employment opportunity for all' looked at improving support into the job market for people with health conditions and disabilities and those facing long-term unemployment, who face considerable disadvantages. See:

Our report for the autumn spending review "The chancellor’s choices: How to make the spending review as progressive as possible while still delivering a surplus" shows how the chancellor could make the forthcoming spending review as progressive as possible – while keeping his promises to reach a surplus by 2019/20 and to avoid rises in national insurance, income tax or VAT. See: