Press Story

"The Chancellor has once again promised to protect the headline amount of funding that goes to schools and health - but he is loading more pressure onto these services via the back door. In a little noticed move he announced that an additional £2bn worth of savings will come from public sector pensions. These pension changes will fall on all public sector employers – including schools and hospitals - which are meant to be ‘protected’ from spending cuts. They will find it even harder to balance the books in the coming years."


Sofie Jenkinson,, 07981 023031
Lester Holloway,, 07585 772 633

Notes to Editors:

Our report for the autumn spending review "The chancellor’s choices: How to make the spending review as progressive as possible while still delivering a surplus" shows how the chancellor could make the forthcoming spending review as progressive as possible – while keeping his promises to reach a surplus by 2019/20 and to avoid rises in national insurance, income tax or VAT. See: