Press Story

Embargoed until 0000h, Friday 16 September

Commenting on the creation of a Northern Powerhouse Institute, Ed Cox, Director of IPPR North, said:

“We warmly welcome a new think-tank focused on the North of England. IPPR North has long argued that to make the North the most progressive place in Europe, we need more policy ideas, not fewer.

"This can only reinforce the reality that the Northern Powerhouse is far less a Whitehall programme and far more an initiative driven by northern business, innovation and leadership.

“It remains to be seen whether this new think-tank will develop an inclusive approach to the Northern economy because to date, George Osborne’s Northern Powerhouse has been too narrowly focused on big cities and metro mayors – vital as these are, they will not address the economic and social challenges raised by the Brexit vote.”



For further information, please contact Ash Singleton on or 07887 422 789.

Ed Cox, director of IPPR North, is available for broadcast interviews. Please contact Ed directly on 07961 979 262 to arrange this.