Press Story

If the UK 's managed immigration system is to work, it is essential that the UK can remove from the country those who have entered illegally, breached visa conditions, or who have reached the end of the asylum process. There needs to be a fair, effective, clear and transparent system of rules which respects people's legal rights - but which does not allow migrants and their supporters to frustrate endlessly every attempt at removal. This requires an open and honest discussion about the difficult issue of immigration removals.

Head of Migration at ippr, Tim Finch says:

"This court ruling shows what happens when governments under pressure try to take short cuts. The current system for removing migrants is a mess. It looks tough, but it does not deliver. It tramples over basic rights in its desperation to be seen to be taking action - but then it falls foul of the law.

"However, the reaction to this decision must not be that all removals should just stop. It is essential for the integrity of the immigration system and to retain public confidence, that the authorities can return people home when, after a fair hearing, they are judged to have no right to stay here.

"Our own research shows that all parties - immigration officials, migrants themselves, and migrant-supporting organisations - need to work in a spirit of cooperation and in an atmosphere of mutual trust if this difficult task is to be carried through in safety and dignity.

"We hope the government will reflect on this judgement - not just lash out against it. This should be a watershed moment when the opportunity is taken to build a decent and effective system of return which is supported by all of those who are interested in the welfare of migrants and a managed migration system."


Nyta Mann, Media Manager: +44 (0)20 7470 6112 / 07970 602065 /

Tim Finch, Director of Strategic Communications: +44 (0)20 7470 6106 / 07595 920899 /