Press Story

Reacting to plans for the Manchester leg of HS2 to be scrapped, Zoë Billingham, director of IPPR North, said:

“The government has played fast and loose with HS2 and scrapping the Manchester leg is a betrayal of the North.

“Transport is the backbone of rebalancing our regions. New promises heard today to redeploy HS2 funding – across the whole country – not only undermines levelling up but also lacks credibility.

“Northern Powerhouse Rail and HS2 are in the long-term interest of the country. This is a double blow for the North.”

IPPR analysis shows that:

  • If the North had received the same transport investment as London over the last decade, it would have received £86bn more

  • If the North were a country, it would be second only to Greece for the lowest levels of investment in the OECD

  • Since 1995, the UK has been below the average of G7 and OECD peers on public investment

  • UK pays over the odds for transport investment - $790m a kilometre vs international average of $212m