Press Story

Ed Cox, Director of IPPR North, said:

"The Chancellor's continuing emphasis on a northern powerhouse is welcome and reflects the calls of businesses and city leaders for a clear strategy to rebalance the national economy. The statement includes some important building blocks concerning science, infrastructure, business rates and devolution that will be welcomed by many.

"Investment in research in materials science, high value manufacturing and ageing will build upon existing strengths for too long unrecognised in the corridors of Whitehall.

"This week's infrastructure announcements will bring down journey times between northern cities and also strengthen the much-needed interconnectivity within city-regions. Further support for a so-called HS3 link across the Pennines still need to be translated into clear investment proposals but few doubt now the importance of these plans.

"If there is any disappointment then it is the fact that other cities have yet to follow Manchester and broker their own devolution deals. It is right that they should take the necessary time to ensure their deals meets their local aspirations but they must not lose the devolutionary momentum generated by the Scottish referendum and we need to see plans for progress outside of the big cities too.

"On housing, the Chancellor's statement was mixed for those wanting to own a home. The long-overdue reform of stamp duty looks to be a positive, progressive move, shifting away from the current cliff-edges to a more progressive approach that will ultimately tax people more heavily at the top of the market, and less so at the bottom.

"Unfortunately, the receipts from people selling houses will not be directed into building new ones. A paltry extension of the affordable homes programme of £957 million to 2020 will not deliver enough of the new homes we need."

Notes to Editors

IPPR North's report – Decentralisation Decade: a plan for economic prosperity, public service transformation and democratic renewal in England – was published in Sheffield with Nick Clegg, Deputy Prime Minister and Leader of the Liberal Democrat Party and is available from:

IPPR North's new report – State of the North: Setting a baseline for the devolution decade is available from:


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