Press Story

ippr associate director Guy Lodge said:

"MPs should be congratulated for standing up to the government and Tory whips who both shamelessly tried to derail plans to strengthen the role of Parliament. The expenses crisis badly damaged public trust in parliament but these reforms - the most important in thirty years - will begin the much needed process of restoring parliaments public reputation.

"The decision to give MPs the power to elect select committee chairs will strengthen their independence and ability to hold the government to account, while the decision to give MPs greater control over the parliamentary timetable will ensure they can debate and vote on the issues of their own choosing rather than having to seek permission from the whips."

Contact the press office for further comment:

Tim Finch, Director of Strategic Communications, ippr, 020 7470 6106 / 07595 920 899 /

Monica Evans, interim Media Officer, ippr, 020 74706112 /