Press Story

Commenting on the vote to Leave the EU, Russell Gunson, Director of IPPR Scotland, said:

"This result risks huge damage to Scotland's economy over the coming months and years. Tourism, financial services, whisky, our oil and gas sector - key economic sectors in Scotland, and the UK - will now face a long period of damaging uncertainty that will undoubtedly cost jobs and livelihoods across Scotland.

"The focus now moves on to when negotiations will start, who will lead them, how Scotland's interests will be represented, and what terms the UK will seek from the EU for exit. With more than 60% of Scotland's voters expressing their desire to remain within the EU, it is not clear that the UK could secure any terms for exiting the EU, that would be enough for the people of Scotland. While IPPR Scotland has no position on Scotland's constitutional future, this result therefore clearly reopens the independence debate.

"The prospect of a Brexit is now a reality, and one that will have incredibly important consequences for Scotland, and the future of the UK. However, it's absolutely crucial that throughout this time, the Scottish Parliament continues to focus on the domestic agenda. Scotland faces huge challenges around educational inequalities and health inequalities, an ageing population, managing new powers and reforming our public services. We must do our best to ensure that this result, and its fall out, does not consume our attention in Scotland to the exclusion of every thing else."