Press Story

Commenting on the prime minister’s visit to Scotland today in which he confirmed new oil and gas licenses and re-announced funding for carbon capture and storage (CCS) in north east Scotland, senior research at IPPR Scotland Dave Hawkey commented:

“The prime minister’s expansion of fossil fuels cannot be justified by yet-to-be-proven technology, and is the height of climate recklessness.

“Here in Scotland, and across the UK we need a serious plan to decarbonise, get us to net zero, and protect our planet from climate disaster. That means that we need far more than repeated announcements of investments in carbon capture and storage – which we don’t yet know will deliver - and re-commitments to oil and gas.

“What is needed is a more thoughtful, ambitious strategy that is resilient to the possibility CCS does not deliver. That means ramping up proven technologies and reimagining the way we live. During his visit to Scotland the prime minister must announce more than he has so far – including support for renewable electricity, heat pumps and heat networks, re-forestation and more”.