Press Story

As anticipated, today’s Programme for Government was underwhelming and light on new initiatives.

Within the currently constrained public finances it’s far from clear that the Scottish government is making the right decisions. For instance, scrapping the commitment to free school meals for all P6 and P7 pupils is very short sighted.

It’s also disappointing that, despite the scale of current challenges there is no indication that the government will revisit its current economic strategy. The measures presented today do not amount to the much-touted ‘renewables revolution’.

We look forward to scrutinising the detail of the Heat in Buildings and Community Wealth Building Bills both of which have been long in the pipeline. These pieces of legislation have potential for significant impact, reducing inequality while transitioning to net zero, but only if the government is willing to be bold. While the Post School Education Bill may potentially address some significant issues, moving the institutional deckchairs is highly unlikely to achieve positive systemic change as key parts of the sector remain underfunded.

Stephen Boyd, director of IPPR Scotland said:

“The Scottish government is correct to ‘prioritise prevention and tackle health inequalities.’ The potential social and economic benefits are significant. Yet, we have heard similar commitments in the past and therefore it is essential that we see real progress in the current year. Shifting towards a preventative approach will not be straightforward in the context of constrained public finances.

“As the Budget process gets underway, it is incumbent on the Scottish government to engage comprehensively over its short-, medium- and long-term tax strategy in order that future Programmes for Government can draw on sufficient resources to meet the significant social, economic and environmental challenges that lie ahead.”


Stephen Boyd, IPPR Scotland Director, is available for interviews.


Sukhada Tatke, media and impact officer at IPPR Scotland 07901169121  


  1. IPPR Scotland shapes public policy in pursuit of a fairer, greener, more prosperous Scotland.