IPPR Scotland reacts to Scottish budget
4 Dec 2024Press Story
IPPR Scotland has reacted to finance secretary Shona Robison’s budget.
Stephen Boyd, director of IPPR Scotland, said:
“Having consistently called for its removal, IPPR Scotland welcomes the Cabinet Secretary’s intention to scrap the two-child cap and lift 15,000 children out of poverty. This will bring Scotland closer to meeting its long-term ambition of ending child poverty for good.
“The speech also included other positive announcements, such as reversing last year’s cut of £200 million from the social housing budget and ensuring ScotWind monies are retained for long-term capital investment. However, on both these issues, the Scottish Government has done no more than return to the situation prevailing before last year’s budget.
“While we look forward to reading the full detail contained in the budget papers, the Scottish budget does now look very tight over the remainder of this parliament and beyond. It would be disappointing if another emergency in-year review was required. The Cabinet Secretary also had little to say about the tax strategy published today which we look forward to analysing in detail over coming days.
“IPPR Scotland continues to have concerns over how some spending decisions are being made in Scotland and will publish more on this matter over coming days”.
Sukhada Tatke, media and impact officer, IPPR Scotland: 07901169121 or s.tatke@ippr.org.
Stephen Boyd, director of IPPR Scotland
Dave Hawkey, senior research fellow, IPPR Scotland
Casey Smith, researcher, IPPR Scotland
IPPR Scotland is a progressive think tank, dedicated to supporting and improving public policy, working tirelessly to achieve a progressive Scotland. For more information, visit ippr.org/scotland.