Press Story

IPPR has reacted to Keir Starmer’s speech at the Labour Party conference.

Harry Quilter-Pinner, IPPR’s interim executive director, said:

“Keir Starmer today set out his vision for a decade of national renewal and what it could deliver for working people across the UK – higher wages, better health, safer streets, more opportunity and a greener future.

“The new government faces a tough inheritance after a decade of austerity and division. But it has made a promising start, including policies such as the green prosperity plan, the national wealth fund and devolving more power to places across the country – all of which IPPR has long argued for.

“With the Budget fast approaching, the government will need to be bold – matching the ambition of its missions with the fiscal firepower and radical reform needed to unlock growth, drive rapid decarbonisation and modernise our public services.”


Harry Quilter-Pinner, IPPR interim executive director

Zoe Billingham, director of IPPR North


David Wastell, director of news and communications 07921 403651

Liam Evans, digital and media officer 07419 365334