Press Story

Reacting to today’s King’s speech Harry Quilter-Pinner, interim executive director of IPPR, said:

"IPPR welcomes the new government’s proposals to tackle the challenges we face as a nation – from developing clean energy and industries of the future to tackling Britain’s health crisis and reform to our democratic system.

“IPPR is particularly pleased that the government intends to establish a national wealth fund, which we have long argued for, and to rethink our approach to health so that prevention is put at its core.

“The whole country needs action to tackle the long-standing issues of stagnant wages, low growth, insecure work, growing poverty and the need for a fair transition to a net zero economy.

“These proposals speak to the demands of the voters who put the government into power. We know from our own analysis that this coalition is more united than many think, and supports bolder action on the economy, climate change and workers’ rights.

“Today’s measures are just the beginning of a long process which will require bold and tangible change. The government is still in the ‘honeymoon’ period. But voters are impatient for change. Now is the time to deliver.”


Carys Roberts and Harry Quilter-Pinner are available for interview


David Wastell, director of news and communications: 07921 403651

Liam Evans, Senior Digital and Media Officer: 07419 365334


  1. Polling and MRP analysis of 20,000 voters by FocalData for IPPR and Persuasion UK found a mandate within constituencies won by Labour, and among Labour voters, for bold action on (among other areas) the economy, climate change and workers’ rights. It found:
    - Almost all constituencies that elected Labour MPs (99 per cent) have a majority or plurality of people who would support extra government borrowing to invest in the economy and public services. Conservative to Labour switchers also back this idea by a large margin
    - Every UK constituency has a majority or plurality of voters backing the strengthening of workers' rights.
    - Every UK constituency has more people supportive of housebuilding than oppositional to it.
    - The view that “government policy on climate change should be going further and faster than it is right now” beats “government policy on climate change should be going slower than it is right now” in every constituency in the UK except two (both held by Reform UK).
    - More at
  2. Among the more than 35 bills announced in today’s King’s Speech are numerous measures previously called for by IPPR, or closely aligned with IPPR policy proposals.
    These include:
    - Set up a National Wealth Fund to drive investment into the UK – Growing green: A proposal for a national investment fund -
    - Establish a green industrial strategy - Manufacturing matters: The cornerstone of a competitive green economy -
    - A mission-led government - Mission-driven government: Delivering for the British public in an age of distrust and disruption -
    - Empowering regions, with new legislation will also help to create wealth in every community and hand the power back to local leaders - State of the North 2024:;
    - Audit reform - The truth tellers: Why we need profound audit sector reform now -
    - Put prevention at the heart of a reform plan for the NHS
    - A junk food advertising watershed
    - Restoration of the NHS as a free at the point of use service, where ability to access the best possible care does not depend on ability to pay
    - A bill to encourage wide participation in elections – Who decides
    - AI: put on legal footing rules to manage AI - Transformed by AI : How generative artificial intelligence could affect work in the UK – and how to manage it -
    - Planning for net zero and nature: A better, greener planning system that empowers local places -
  3. IPPR (the Institute for Public Policy Research) is an independent charity working towards a fairer, greener, and more prosperous society. We are researchers, communicators, and policy experts creating tangible progressive change, and turning bold ideas into common sense realities. Working across the UK, IPPR, IPPR North, and IPPR Scotland are deeply connected to the people of our nations and regions, and the issues our communities face. We have helped shape national conversations and progressive policy change for more than 30 years. From making the early case for the minimum wage and tackling regional inequality, to proposing a windfall tax on energy companies, IPPR’s research and policy work has put forward practical solutions for the crises facing society.