Press Story

Senior charity official, campaigner and former Downing Street adviser to hold the reins while IPPR board recruits new chair

Kirsty McNeill, a senior Save the Children executive and former prime ministerial adviser, has become interim chair of trustees at the Institute for Public Policy Research after the previous chair unexpectedly stepped aside.

Jess Search, who was an IPPR trustee for 12 years and had chaired the board since 2018, resigned from the role after being diagnosed with serious illness. She has also stepped down as a joint chief executive of Doc Society, the non-profit organisation supporting documentary film-makers which she co-founded, but will focus on a major Doc Society effort to rejuvenate democracy in coming months. Her full announcement is at

Ms McNeill joined IPPR’s board in 2021 and was elected interim chair at an emergency trustees’ meeting.

At Save the Children she is director of policy, advocacy and campaigns across the UK’s four nations, having previously founded a consultancy advising the senior leadership of some of the world’s leading social purpose organisations. Before that she spent three years as a special adviser to Gordon Brown in Number 10 Downing Street.

She holds other unpaid roles as a non-exec director of a number of campaigning organisations, and is a regular public commentator on power, politics and policy, having written for outlets including the Telegraph, Times, Observer and New Statesman.

IPPR will shortly begin recruiting for a permanent chair.

Kirsty McNeill, newly elected interim chair of IPPR’s trustees, said:

"Jess Search has been an extraordinary and transformational chair for IPPR. Her commitment to our mission and the movements of which we are part has been unparalleled and this vacancy is one we all dearly wish had never arisen.

“I am stepping into this interim role to allow Jess to concentrate on her vital work with Doc Society, and to provide some support to the staff and allies of IPPR so that together we can continue to help make today's bold ideas tomorrow's common sense.”

Carys Roberts, executive director of IPPR, said:

“I’m delighted that Kirsty McNeill has agreed to step up into this role while we begin the search for a new permanent chair of IPPR’s trustees. As interim chair she will bring fantastic experience and insight, as well as ensuring the continuity and stability IPPR will need as we seek to influence all parties ahead of the next election.

“Above all, I’d like to thank Jess Search for the extraordinary energy, commitment and wisdom she has shared with us and with me over almost five years as chair, and many more before that as a trustee.

“Through her leadership she has inspired all at IPPR to work hard and imaginatively to deliver the bold ideas needed to overcome the challenges the UK faces. We will miss her, but be spurred to keep a razor-sharp focus on delivering the progressive change we all aspire to and that people across the UK need.”


David Wastell, IPPR Head of News and Communications: 07921 403651


  1. Jess Search announced her illness on the Doc Society’s website earlier this month

  2. More information on Kirsty McNeill and other members of IPPR’s board of trustees is here:

  3. IPPR, the Institute for Public Policy Research, is an independent charity working towards a fairer, greener, and more prosperous society. We are researchers, communicators, and policy experts creating tangible progressive change, and turning bold ideas into common sense realities. Working across the UK, IPPR, IPPR North, and IPPR Scotland are deeply connected to the people of our nations and regions, and the issues our communities face.
    We have helped shape national conversations and progressive policy change for more than 30 years. From making the early case for the minimum wage and tackling regional inequality, to proposing a windfall tax on energy companies, IPPR’s research and policy work has put forward practical solutions for the crises facing society.