Press releases

List of press Articles

  1. Electoral reform referendum must give the people the chance to choose a genuinely fair system

    In a new report on electoral reform
  2. New analysis reveals record numbers unable to find full-time work

    ew analysis by ippr reveals that the number of people working part-time because they can't find full-time work has reached over 1 million - the highest number on record and a 45 per cent increase since the recession began.
  3. Voting for a Better North - ippr briefing

    s polling day approaches, ippr north is challenging voters to consider the northern credentials of the three major parties with an analysis of the election manifestos from a northern perspective.
  4. Current funding formula for the devolved nations will lead to uneven public spending cuts across the UK

    A new study
  5. Lib Dem minimum wage plans make sense in long run

    iberal Democrat policy on the minimum wage could make sense in the long run, but implementation might be best delayed until employment has returned to something like pre-recession levels - and that could be many years away.
  6. Welsh Assembly Government should continue with asset-based welfare as part of its approach to tackling child poverty

    New ippr research
  7. Alienation not immigration fuelling BNP support

    It is not immigration but alienation and an inability to overcome social challenges such as isolation and low skills which are the main drivers for BNP support, says a study covering 150 local authorities
  8. New research questions viability of capping immigration

    A new study
  9. ippr's reaction to March 2010 budget

    ppr's view on the path set out for deficit reduction, the Green Investment Bank, measures to help the unemployed, bank accounts for all citizens, investment spending, tax evasion and avoidance, inheritance tax and social care.
  10. Scotland less successful at reducing crime than other parts of UK

    New research
  11. IPPRwelcomes Government action to save struggling pubs

    ippr welcomes action by Pubs Minister John Healey announced today, which takes forward a number of recommendations from ippr's recent report Pubs and Places
  12. Public not prepared to face up to challenges of paying for social care, ippr/PwC research reveals

    Few people are prepared to face up to the challenges of paying for a better social care system, according to research