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Furloughed workers far less likely to have basic qualifications, finds think tank
Repair families’ financial reserves ahead of tough Covid-19 winter, urges IPPR Scotland
Needs of children and families have been forgotten in crisis response to pandemic, say IPPR and TUC
IPPR: Sunak’s job support reforms will still leave people struggling this winter
Government steps to protect ethnic minorities from Covid disparities not enough, says IPPR
Act now to protect ethnic minorities from second Covid wave urge IPPR and Runnymede, as they reveal full extent of its unequal impact
Revealed – only 230,000 jobs will be saved by Sunak’s Job Support Schemes
Only half of teachers say their school can offer pupils on-site mental-health counselling in wake of pandemic, finds IPPR
Hostile Environment: ‘firewall’ between policing and immigration enforcement needed to protect victims
IPPR: Job Support Scheme does not go far enough to prevent unnecessary layoffs
Ethnic minorities most at risk from debt as economic crisis creates Covid-19 ‘double whammy’, finds IPPR
IPPR welcomes furlough reform plan proposed by Labour at TUC Conference