Press releases

List of press Articles

  1. UK must go ‘faster, further and fairer’ to combat climate and nature crisis and rebuild economy, says cross-party commission

  2. Welfare inequalities revealed by Covid crisis show why UK must modernise and 'future-proof' welfare state, says IPPR

  3. A third of people less likely to seek residential social care for relatives in wake of Covid-19 crisis, poll finds

  4. UK can afford to keep fighting the Covid-19 crisis, say economists in a paper for IPPR

  5. IPPR experts react to leaked Treasury report

  6. Lockdown cash protects landlords and banks more than the families it’s meant to benefit, finds IPPR

  7. Revealed: One in three people in Scotland’s workforce could be furloughed, or made unemployed over coming months

  8. Covid-19: One in five healthcare workers in Scotland could quit after pandemic, IPPR Scotland warns

  9. Covid-19: One in five healthcare workers could quit after pandemic unless urgent government action is taken, IPPR warns

  10. Revealed: Three quarters of healthcare workers say the government is putting their health at risk

  11. Rule change allowing parental pay for childcare under ‘furlough’ scheme is ‘vital recognition’ of its importance, says IPPR

  12. COP26 Postponed: Right decision, but the UK mustn’t ignore its climate targets or leadership role, says IPPR