Press releases

List of press Articles

  1. Top 10% of households nearly 900 times wealthier than poorest 10%

    nly 4% of people think the distribution of wealth in the UK will become fairer in the next 10 years
  2. ​​​​​​​Help households struggling with high energy bills by offering a single tariff, energy companies advised

    ew IPPR research shows that consumers struggle to take control of their energy costs because they don’t understand their energy bills
  3. ​​​​​​​Government shouldn’t wait for Green Paper to give more powers over tax and land to the Mayor of London to tackle the capital’s housing crisis

    ​​​​​​New IPPR research shows affordable home ownership products only in reach of London’s top earners
  4. New programme to reduce exclusions in England and make The Difference for vulnerable students

    xcluded children cost the Government £2.1bn every year, while permanent exclusions have risen 40% in the last 3 years
  5. Proposed public sector pay rises not enough to restore link between economic growth and earnings

    ew analysis for the IPPR Commission on Economic Justice finds that rising import prices have driven a permanent wedge between economic growth and wages for the first time.
  6. Economic growth no longer leading to rising earnings, finds IPPR Commission on Economic Justice

    rchbishop of Canterbury leads call for radical economic reform
  7. Government wasting time by chasing after non-existent student visa overstayers, says IPPR

    PPR react to today's ONS statistics that show long-term net migration has fallen
  8. More than 3000 female councillors needed to reach 50:50 gender balance in local government

  9. IPPR comment on breaking collapse of LearnDirect

  10. Younger workers in temporary jobs 29% more likely to experience mental health problems than those in permanent jobs

    ew IPPR analysis shows younger workers in the UK’s flexible labour market are more likely to experience poorer mental health and wellbeing
  11. It's time for Crossrail North

  12. Anger growing as campaigners issue fresh demand for ‘Crossrail for the North’