Press releases

List of press Articles

  1. Close to a million households in Income Crisis every year

    ew research from IPPR exposes depth of problem in the UK
  2. The UK must embrace heat networks to deliver 81,000 new jobs a year and unlock £22 billion investment

    entral and Local Government action needed to deliver infrastructure revolution and kick-start heat decarbonisation
  3. Lack of EU migrant packers, food workers and cleaners could result in post-Brexit labour shortages

    PPR analysis highlights sectors with highest shares of lower-skilled migrant workers ahead of the formal triggering of Article 50
  4. North-South divide will be widened by new £2bn-a-year apprenticeship scheme, finds think tank

  5. New transport technology can clean up London’s air- but only if Mayor Khan seizes opportunity

    hink tank IPPR argues that London transport is at a tipping point due to new digital technology
  6. Female speakers in majority at first summit of North’s civil society

  7. BBC Radio 5 Live: Laurie Laybourn Langton, Research Fellow IPPR - Vehicle pollution in the UK

  8. BBC Radio 4 Today: Catherine Colebrook, Chief Economist IPPR - UK tax system

  9. talkRADIO: Catherine Colebrook, Chief Economist IPPR - The Chancellor's NIC U-turn

  10. talkRADIO: Catherine Colebrook, Chief Economist IPPR - Spring Budget 2017

  11. Delays leaving hospital due to social care have doubled in 5 years

    dditional money announced in budget not enough to plug gaping hole in NHS & social care
  12. IPPR Scotland – new analysis reveals UK Budget leaves £1bn of cuts still to come