Press releases

List of press Articles

  1. North-South divide will be widened by new £2bn-a-year apprenticeship scheme, finds think tank

  2. New transport technology can clean up London’s air- but only if Mayor Khan seizes opportunity

    hink tank IPPR argues that London transport is at a tipping point due to new digital technology
  3. Female speakers in majority at first summit of North’s civil society

  4. BBC Radio 5 Live: Laurie Laybourn Langton, Research Fellow IPPR - Vehicle pollution in the UK

  5. BBC Radio 4 Today: Catherine Colebrook, Chief Economist IPPR - UK tax system

  6. talkRADIO: Catherine Colebrook, Chief Economist IPPR - The Chancellor's NIC U-turn

  7. talkRADIO: Catherine Colebrook, Chief Economist IPPR - Spring Budget 2017

  8. Delays leaving hospital due to social care have doubled in 5 years

    dditional money announced in budget not enough to plug gaping hole in NHS & social care
  9. IPPR Scotland – new analysis reveals UK Budget leaves £1bn of cuts still to come

  10. Single parents to be up to £2,850 worse off in 2020

    orking lone parents set to be much worse off in 2020 than they would have been if Coalition and Conservative changes hadn’t been made
  11. ‘Hope’ key to Brexit vote

    laces with lowest social mobility most likely to have backed Brexit
  12. Mayors ‘best placed to solve social care crisis’