Press releases

List of press Articles

  1. IPPR North comment on 'Council of the North'

  2. Government support for Northern Brexit Negotiating Committee

  3. NHS data shows people are waiting longer for treatment, including for life threatening conditions such as cancer - IPPR

  4. Skills training in Scotland needs clearer focus, says IPPR Scotland

  5. Skills reform needed to protect Scotland's future, IPPR Scotland warns

  6. New IPPR report shows an accelerating wave of economic, social and technological change will reshape 2020s Britain

    rexit negotiations will fire the starting gun on the decade – so understanding these changes key for negotiations
  7. Study finds business must address urgent ‘trust deficit’

    olling for Siemens and IPPR reveals public view of business
  8. IPPR Scotland comment on Nicola Sturgeon's single market membership plans

  9. IPPR Scotland response to draft Budget - bulk of cuts are still to come

  10. Problem gamblers could cost Britain up to £1.2 billion new research shows

    eport by IPPR think tanks estimates cost to government associated with problem gamblers
  11. Stop sneering at northern Brexit voters', think-tank warns

  12. Home sharing services must make sure planning rules observed to avoid future problems - IPPR

    hink tank report calls for site owners and government to work together to make sure rules enforced