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Port Talbot - With 4,000 jobs at the works and 6,600 up the supply chain today's deal is good news - IPPR
IPPR responds to the Casey review
Air pollution guidance welcome - but government action needed too - IPPR
Surge in EU applications for settlement post-Brexit
oday’s immigration statistics reveal some of the first trends in EU migration post-referendum.Scotland braced for ‘unprecedented’ cuts over the coming years, fresh IPPR Scotland analysis reveals
Government must be bolder on top pay and corporate governance
UK Autumn Statement leaves significant cuts for Scotland
IPPR response to Autumn Statement 2016
IPPR North comment on the Autumn Statement
Brexit boost to life sciences ‘could close North-South health gap’ – IPPR North
Industrial strategy must be regionally inclusive, encompass the service sector, and support adoption of existing innovations as well new breakthroughs
ew IPPR report sets out core principles for UK’s post-Brexit industrial strategyWorkers on boards - any decision to row back would be a step in the wrong direction