Press releases

List of press Articles

  1. More action needed to tackle London’s polluted air - IPPR

    PPR supports the new Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, in his ambition to take urgent action on tackling air pollution in the capital, where the problem is particularly acute and responsible for an estimated 9,400 premature deaths every year.
  2. Michael Jacobs responding to the abolition of the Department for Energy and Climate Change

    ichael Jacobs, IPPR Acting Associate Director for Energy, Transport and Climate, responding to the abolition of the Department for Energy and Climate Change this afternoon, said:
  3. IPPR proposes emergency brake on free movement as it sets Brexit options for Theresa May

  4. Sadiq Khan should be radical to cut deadly air pollution – IPPR

    PPR is urging the London Mayor to be bold in his efforts to save lives by cutting the capital’s lethal and illegal air pollution levels.
  5. Post-Brexit, Northern gateway to Europe 'more important than ever'

  6. IPPR Scotland: 'UK Government must help not hinder Scotland from remaining in the EU'

    PPR today launched its UK-wide series of events looking at the future of our relationship with Europe. The series starts with former Prime Minister and former Chancellor Gordon Brown making a speech: ‘The future of Britain in Europe’. This…
  7. IPPR: Five actions the Government must take now to deal with this crisis

    PPR today proposes five actions the government should take now in response to the Leave vote. This includes demands to set up a new Commission for Economic Justice that will bring together business leaders, trade unions and the wider…
  8. Post-Brexit, Northern gateway to Europe 'more important than ever'

  9. Brexit inflation shock will hit poorest families twice as hard as the richest - IPPR

    n increase in inflation following today's dramatic fall in the pound will have a disproportionate impact on the poorest 10% of households, according to new IPPR analysis.
  10. Brexit and climate change - no need for environment backlash

    esponding to the EU referendum, IPPR Associate Director Michael Jacobs, said:
  11. Post-Brexit Britain faces battle between progressive and regressive forces - IPPR

    esponding to the referendum outcome, IPPR Director Tom Kibasi said:
  12. Brexit and the North