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IPPR: Five actions the Government must take now to deal with this crisis
PPR today proposes five actions the government should take now in response to the Leave vote. This includes demands to set up a new Commission for Economic Justice that will bring together business leaders, trade unions and the wider…Post-Brexit, Northern gateway to Europe 'more important than ever'
Brexit inflation shock will hit poorest families twice as hard as the richest - IPPR
n increase in inflation following today's dramatic fall in the pound will have a disproportionate impact on the poorest 10% of households, according to new IPPR analysis.Brexit and climate change - no need for environment backlash
esponding to the EU referendum, IPPR Associate Director Michael Jacobs, said:Post-Brexit Britain faces battle between progressive and regressive forces - IPPR
esponding to the referendum outcome, IPPR Director Tom Kibasi said:Brexit and the North
IPPR Scotland comment on the Leave vote
Reform to skills system needed to boost Scotland’s job recovery
Small cities key to Northern Powerhouse success
IPPR North: ‘Secondary school set back’ could cost the northern economy £29bn in lost productivity
Prison reforms will only work with investment to tackle reoffending - IPPR
onathan Clifton, Associate Director for Public Services at IPPR, said:British Bill of Rights faces several hurdles - IPPR
esponding to the Queen's Speech, IPPR research fellow Mat Lawrence said: