Press releases

List of press Articles

  1. Poorest pay six times more of their income on energy bills than the wealthiest

    nergy rethink could save bill payers over £Â£7bn
  2. NHS should hire 'innovation scouts' to help plug funding gap

    ealth service reform must achieve £Â£22bn of increased productivity by 2020
  3. Amazon & Ebay style websites could be the future for adult social care services

    ne in four councils using ‘e-marketplaces’ for home-help, meals-on-wheels & zumba clubs
  4. UK in a 'steady state' of net migration

    et migration target missed, again
  5. 8 out of 10 UK employers say work experience & job placements effective response to long-term unemployment

    nly 35% of UK employers surveyed had used work experience or job placements
  6. Young, poor and not voting

    ompulsory voting for first-time voters could kick-start voting habit
  7. UK top in Europe for employment of degree-educated EU migrants

    ne in five degree-educated new EU migrants in low-skill work in UK
  8. Parity of funding between 5-15 and 16-18 education needed

    unding for 16-18 phase could have been £1.2bn higher this parliament if 5-15 funding increase shared
  9. Upper secondary education curriculum in England too narrow

    roader curriculum needed for new 14-19 upper secondary phase
  10. Osborne's budget should freeze UK's carbon tax & introduce a 2025 phase out of dirty coal

    PPR's package would cut bills, tackle pollution and encourage investment
  11. 8 out of 10 parents want to work less and childcare more

    out of 10 parents want to work less and childcare more
  12. Belgium tops the European league: what's their secret?

    n-work progression varies across European economies as mid-income jobs disappear