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Scotland pay packets down 12% in real-terms since 2009 - IPPR Scotland
New schools whitepaper could cause chaotic reorganisation of schools
overnment must take bold decisions on the details to create a stronger school systemBudget 2016: Further social security cuts for disabled and low income families fund regressive tax cuts - IPPR
n response to the Government’s announcement in today’s budget that the Chancellor will seek a further £3.5bn of cuts to departmental spending and over £1bn cuts to welfare, largely from support for disabled people, Clare McNeil, IPPR…IPPR North Budget reaction: Northern Powerhouse, business rates, devolution, schools
Budget 2016: Public sector pensions savings will make it harder for schools and hospitals to balance their books - IPPR
esponding to the Chancellor's budget announcement about public sector pensions, Jonathan Clifton, IPPR Associate Director for Public Services, said:Budget 2016: ‘Help to save’ scheme: new scheme needs to be accessible to the poorest to be effective - IPPR
n response to the Government’s announcement in today’s Budget that it will introduce a ‘Help to Save’ scheme to encourage those on low incomes to save, IPPR says government should learn the lessons of the Saving Gateway pilots if the…Further cuts to government spending to make the sums add up are damaging Britain’s economy - IPPR
eacting to the Government’s announcement in today’s Budget that government departments will face further tough spending cuts in order to meet the deficit reduction plan set out in last November’s Autumn Statement, IPPR says this will…IPPR Scotland – Oil and gas – help today welcomed, help tomorrow needed
Budget 2016: Giving schools more independence won’t fix the urgent need to raise standards - IPPR
esponding to the announcement that all schools will become academies, Jonathan Clifton, Associate Director for Public Services at IPPR, said:George Osborne urged to fulfill promise to invest in transport in the North
New Mayors must pledge 'one hour commute cap'
IPPR Scotland: The '£2 billion question' facing Scotland
cotland faces a £2 billion spending challenge, report finds