Press releases

List of press Articles

  1. As Jeremy Corbyn declares that Labour’s performance in the local elections will be a ‘turning point’, a leading election expert says it will be a tough ask

    n an article for Juncture - the journal of the leading think tank IPPR – the leading election analyst Professor John Curtice of Strathclyde University – describes the task ahead for Labour on 5th May as “demanding”, with net losses in…
  2. 40,000 jobs across UK could go if Tata’s steel plants do close

    n estimated 40,000 jobs could be lost in UK steel-making communities if no buyer is found for Tata Steel’s UK business, new analysis by the think tank IPPR has found.
  3. IPPR Scotland: Scotland’s political parties welcome IPPR Scotland Advisory Board

  4. Government scheme to keep lights on is not fit for purpose

    Capacity market’ unnecessarily expensive for consumers & does not meet Govt’s own objectives
  5. Herald View: Hardworking EU migrants put us to shame

  6. EU membership sometimes gets in way of national security'

  7. New research on EU migrants finds mixed picture on jobs, benefits and housing

    ew IPPR analysis on EU migration into the UK has found that a large majority of European migrants are in work, but they are more likely than the general workforce to claim in-work benefits. EU migrants are as likely to live in social…
  8. Scotland pay packets down 12% in real-terms since 2009 - IPPR Scotland

  9. New schools whitepaper could cause chaotic reorganisation of schools

    overnment must take bold decisions on the details to create a stronger school system
  10. Budget 2016: Further social security cuts for disabled and low income families fund regressive tax cuts - IPPR

    n response to the Government’s announcement in today’s budget that the Chancellor will seek a further £3.5bn of cuts to departmental spending and over £1bn cuts to welfare, largely from support for disabled people, Clare McNeil, IPPR…
  11. IPPR North Budget reaction: Northern Powerhouse, business rates, devolution, schools

  12. ​Budget 2016: Public sector pensions savings will make it harder for schools and hospitals to balance their books - IPPR

    esponding to the Chancellor's budget announcement about public sector pensions, Jonathan Clifton, IPPR Associate Director for Public Services, said: