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A further 1700 jobs could be lost in the supply chain of Welsh and English steel-making communities
PPR analysis looks at the potential indirect job losses in the supply chainMake councils pay for prison places, in bid to reduce prison population
‘devolution revolution’ in criminal justice could reduce the revolving door of reoffendingThe country needs a Great North Plan that is about more than improved transport
lan must be based on collaboration between cities, engagement with the public and include a range of voices from business to educationIPPR appoints new Director
om Kibasi to lead IPPRAverage house prices in London are now 10 times the average salary
2% of all private-renting households in England are in LondonCuts to solar subsidy moves UK further away from clean energy - IPPR
esponding to the UK solar subsidy cut announcement, Dr Jimmy Aldridge, IPPR’s senior research fellow in energy policy said:Scottish public services facing fundamental reshape over next five years following Budget – IPPR Scotland
Universities, prisons, legal aid and local councils facing real-terms cutsCameron should demand EU fund to ease pressures on local services - IPPR
David Cameron should demand an EU-level fund to address local pressures on schools, GPs and housing caused by migration at the European Council meeting tomorrow, according to a new briefing from IPPR.‘Double whammy’ budget for Holyrood: UK Government benefits cuts could leave poorest in Scotland hundreds of pounds worse off
500m cut from benefit claimants in Scotland by 2020 following Spending Review, equivalent of 1p Scottish income tax riseEU negotiations: Cameron can tackle EU freedom of movement without Treaty change – IPPR
s the European Council president warns David Cameron that a four-year ban on migrants claiming in-work benefits will be the most difficult part of his European renegotiation, IPPR sets out alternative options for the Prime Minister to…New northern rail franchises: vital first step to creating a Northern Powerhouse - IPPR North
esponding to today's announcement by the government on new rail franchises for the north, Director of IPPR North, Ed Cox, said:Climate change stress tests in financial sector could help avoid financial crisis
anks, pension funds and listed companies should be stress tested against the risks of major financial losses