Press releases

List of press Articles

  1. Climate change stress tests in financial sector could help avoid financial crisis

    anks, pension funds and listed companies should be stress tested against the risks of major financial losses
  2. Future of the BBC: ‘Auntie’ is valued but needs to improve service amid Charter Review, say leading media figures

    PPR have published a collection of essays from leading media commentators on the future of the BBC, amid the Charter Review into the licence fee and remit of the public service broadcaster.
  3. Enormous challenge’ for Holyrood following larger than expected cut in Scotland grant - IPPR Scotland on the UK Spending Review

    he UK Spending Review has been announced showing spending cuts for Scotland. The Scottish budget will see real terms cuts of 3.9% (real terms, cumulative) and, within that, day to day spending dropping by 5.0% (real terms, cumulative) by…
  4. Northern Powerhouse needs proper fiscal devolution to match Scotland and Wales – IPPR North on Spending Review

    esponding to today’s Spending Review, director of IPPR North, Ed Cox, said:
  5. Spending Review welfare cuts options: axe could fall on working families, renters and disabled

    eriously disabled people could lose around £1,200 per year, while 4.8 million renters face up to £570 loss
  6. Scottish public services could face billions of pounds of cuts following UK Spending Review – IPPR Scotland

    he overall Scottish Parliament budget could see a 2.6% real terms (cumulative) cut by 2019/20.
  7. Devolution deal for West Midlands marks a step forward for social justice, not just economic growth – IPPR North

    eacting to the new devolution agreement for the West Midlands, Ed Cox, director of IPPR North, said:
  8. Cameron needs a fair and plausible approach to reforming EU migrants’ access to welfare

    enegotiation of access to welfare must take in account the concerns of both British public & EU partners
  9. Britain should follow Canada’s lead to make citizens out of migrants - IPPR

    ritain needs to do more to make active citizens out of migrants like Canada does, according to a new report.
  10. North-South divide hits young children as early as five – IPPR North report

    ess than half of children born into the poorest families in the North reach a good standard of development by the time they are five years’ old, according to a new report.
  11. One third of mothers in working families are breadwinners in Britain

    aternal breadwinning more prevalent in low and middle-income households
  12. George Osborne’s budget means poorest Scottish families will lose more than £500 per year – IPPR Scotland

    ew analysis from IPPR Scotland on the impact of the Chancellor's summer budget show that more than 800,000 Scottish households, many in the bottom half of the income scale, will be hit in the pocket by changes announced in the summer.