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Give councils more power to tax empty homes to tackle housing crisis
alf a million homes empty and over 200,000 empty for over 6 monthsUK employers missing out on talent because of inflexible jobs
uarter of working women don't have flexibility to take a couple of hours off at short noticeIPPR North welcomes Autumn Statement
orthern think tank calls for more devolution & help on housingGreat North Plans' to transform the Northern economy unveiled
ompetition attracts innovative set of infrastructure ideasNorth contributes more to economy than devolved nations, but is growing slower
s IPPR North marks its 10th birthday it says the North of England needs new powers to growPostgrad student loans affordable
England's housing not keep pacing with aging population
out of 10 homes not accessible for older peopleMajority of Britons feeling 'left behind' by politics not just Britain's white working class
ew polling shows the difference in attitudes across social groups is relatively narrowWomen needed to fill UK's graduate level engineers gap
omen make up 42% of UK workforce but only 7% of professional engineering workforceHalf of people with long-term conditions asked say 'named contact' could cut GP visits
eople with long-term conditions account for half of all GP appointmentsEight out of ten people used charities in the last year
ore than one in ten use charitable services at least once a weekEngland needs 'devo-more' no matter how Scotland votes
apos;Boris for the North' & 'Salmond for the South' is future for English devolution