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Almost a million young people are still NEET in the UK
eacting to ONS figures today, Leading think tank IPPR argues government should be doing more to help young people into workLocal economies are failing the 'resilience' test
ocal Enterprise Partnerships must plan beyond short term growthFast-track programme for 'best & brightest' could improve mental health services
lmost 50% of local authorities have problems recruiting high quality adult social workersMore people needing social care than family carers available from 2017
K social care 'gap' of more than a million without adult children to care by 2030.£450m levy on high cost lenders would fund 1.5m new affordable loans
redit unions in Post Office branches could offer affordable loans.8 out of 10 small business would hire more staff if government took sick pay risk
overnment could restore sick pay recovery for ESA claimants at half the cost of previous system.Trust in local councils almost twice as high as in Parliament
urvey shows that people in England want more local decision-making.Energy tariff surcharge trebles over three years
as customers who haven't switched pay up to £90 more than customers who have.Budget 2014: Beer and bingo not enough for a resilient economy
hink tank says that Budget is a missed opportunity for the regionsChildcare announcement should be down payment on radical reform
Reacting to the Government's announcement on childcare todayWhite, London elite should open up UK creative industries 'closed shop'
Think tank calls for industrial strategy to support 'modern makers' & rebalance economyNew 'public service reform' agenda needed
Think tank urges focus on devolving power, connecting services & strengthening relationships