Press releases

List of press Articles

  1. North the key to a resilient national economy

    he economic potential of the North is too important for the nation to ignore.Just halving the output gap between the North and the national average would increase national economic output by £41 billion. Ed Cox writes on the North's huge…
  2. Needs of local people will be neglected as small charities are squeezed out by 'Big Society' commissioning

    Big Society Capital funding should be reserved for small community groups
  3. Banking fees represent 'large-scale rent extraction' from rest of economy

    Govt urged to split retail & investment banking, rather than ring-fencing
  4. 2013 could be "groundhog year" for UK economy

    Think tank says outlook remains very uncertain
  5. Net migration to fall to 140,000 in 2013 but could rise again in 2014

    Think tank says govt will miss their 'tens of thousands' target
  6. Paying a living wage could save the UK billions

    Treasury would be more than £2bn better off
  7. A strong agenda for the most disadvantaged - an opportunity for Liberal leadership?

    The Independent View
  8. Dads earn more while mothers earn less

    'Motherhood pay penalty' matched by 'fatherhood pay bonus' in gender pay gap
  9. Bonus' for just being a banker is 20%

    New analysis shows a big financial service sector wage premium
  10. New energy efficiency scheme will leave 2m fuel poor households out in the cold

    ovt's new fuel poverty scheme could take over 30 years to succeed
  11. Deregulation and tax-relief will not deliver affordable, quality childcare

    ewsnight recently reported that Education and Childcare Minister, Liz Truss, was looking to France for a model of how to deregulate childcare to allow childminders to look after up to 5 children under two each. But IPPR analysis shows that…
  12. Generation rent' is here to stay

    ew evidence shows young renters can't put down roots