Press releases

List of press Articles

  1. Government needs to be prepared for Bulgarian and Romanian workers

    he government needs to prepare for the arrival of Romanian and Bulgarian migrant workers
  2. Unemployment down but youth unemployment up

    outh unemployment is rising and it has a scarring effect
  3. Half of all out of work young people have never had a job

    xperiencing work whilst studying has a big impact on job prospects
  4. Ofsted inspections 'unsatisfactory' for infants & toddlers

    chool Inspectors should be better trained in early years practice
  5. Over 12,000 more graduates needed in nurseries?

    hink tank calls for the number of early years graduates to be doubled
  6. More mothers than ever are the main family earner

    1 in 3 working mums are family breadwinners
  7. Three times as many young people out of work & training as apprenticeship places

  8. Govt should 'pump up the volume' on offshore wind power

    Low jobs, high cost strategy is 'worst of all worlds' for UK's offshore wind industry
  9. Childminders oppose plan for new agencies

    Fears over quality from deregulation
  10. Euroscepticism in England is English not British

    nglish believe they get a raw deal from membership of both the UK & the EU
  11. North/South divide widened by Spending Review

    Single Local Growth Fund is a pigeon step in the right direction
  12. Transport spending north/south divide: £2600 for Londoners but £5 per head in North East

    89 per cent of planned capital investment for projects in London and the South East