Press releases

List of press Articles

  1. Tax and benefit changes will increase child poverty by 9 per cent

    New analysis reveals the full impact of the reforms to welfare and personal taxes due to come into effect next month.
  2. City growth on slow burn

    Reacting to today's Treasury response to Michael Heseltine's report No Stone Unturned? the think tank IPPR North? welcomes the government's commitment? to greater economic decentralisation, but questions whether it is goes far enough and…
  3. 120 thousand more Northern jobs over ten years if share of foreign investment was increased

    eport shows importance of overseas investment in tackling economic crisis and closing the North/South divide
  4. Chancellor should introduce a 'Financial Transaction Tax' to fund growth strategy

    ritish Investment Bank would help return the economy to sustained growth.
  5. Govts & unis urged to prepare for an avalanche of change in higher education

    he next fifty years could be a golden age for education if all the players in the system seize the initiative and act ambitiously.
  6. Andrew Adonis to be new chair of IPPR

    Andrew Adonis to take over from James Purnell.?
  7. Should Britain make benefits dependent on past contributions to deter welfare tourism?

    es. Migrants bring enormous gains but the benefits of citizenship should be earned.
  8. Clean energy target dividing Coalition would not raise household energy bills

    Think tank shows more gas will lead to increasingly volatile & expensive energy prices
  9. The living wage - a slogan devoid of real action?

    he living wage risks becoming a slogan devoid of real action.
  10. Net migration falls due to reduction in student visas

    rogress towards immigration target is not sustainable.
  11. North needs control over skills funding

    Northern leaders should be given extra powers.
  12. Free consumers from tyranny of volatile gas prices

    Decarbonisation target should be set for 2030