Press releases

List of press Articles

  1. Future increases in 'pupil premium' should go to primary schools

    One-to-one tuition & early years investment needed to tackle attainment gap
  2. Civil service reform: study on international evidence published

    hinktank recommends top civil servants be appointed by PM on fixed-term contracts
  3. Bring back polytechnics, says Future of HE Commission

    ack-to-the-future plan to boost status of FE colleges delivering HE courses
  4. More UK unis should use contextual admissions like US Ivy League

    Universities should get £1,000 student premium extra to recruit poorer students
  5. £1bn plan for new Applied Research and Innovation Centres to boost economy

    hink tank commission says R&D tax credits should be redirected to fund new centres
  6. Regional Banks will give the North the chance to drive our own future

    s we welcome the call to arms from the region's newspapers for the devolution of more power and more control over the decisions that affect our lives here in the North East, it is not just the power of government and the Treasury that must…
  7. Post-grads & part-time students need loans

    ommission says "crisis of part-time study" must be halted.?
  8. No bounce for 'Britishness' from last summer's 'Jubilympics'

    Queen's Diamond Jubilee & London Olympics didn't make us feel more British
  9. HE funding needs reform to protect sector from "avalanche of austerity"

    hink tank commission recommends new 'no maintenance' £5,000 fee-only degrees.
  10. Net migration falls due to declining international student numbers

    Progress towards immigration target is not sustainable
  11. New figures confirm bleak employment outlook for some young people

    For the most disadvantaged young people the job picture remains very bleak.
  12. Survey of childminders back Clegg on childcare ratios

    Three quarters of childminders say they won't take more children if ratios rise