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Youth Contract not working
Youth unemployment up 11,000End to post code lottery for plug in vehicles
reater certainty for low carbon vehicles needed.Jon Cruddas MP speech on The Condition of Britain
This new project launched today will I believe be as big and influential as the Commission On Social Justice which reported in 1994.? The project seeks to identify the major pressures facing the British people. But it will also consider…Decision to end aid to India motivated by UK elections, not Indian development
Government stopping aid by 2015 due to domestic politics.IPPR Chief Economist: "Triple dip? Maybe. Triple crisis? Definitely."
Economy facing stagnation, debt and imbalanceUp to 4 million low paid workers could be helped by "living wage cities"
Govt should fund training for small and medium firmsScots should have £22 billion in taxes to spend on their priorities
Think tank says 'Devo-More' on Scottish tax should be part of referendum debateNorth the key to a resilient national economy
he economic potential of the North is too important for the nation to ignore.Just halving the output gap between the North and the national average would increase national economic output by £41 billion. Ed Cox writes on the North's huge…Needs of local people will be neglected as small charities are squeezed out by 'Big Society' commissioning
Big Society Capital funding should be reserved for small community groupsBanking fees represent 'large-scale rent extraction' from rest of economy
Govt urged to split retail & investment banking, rather than ring-fencing2013 could be "groundhog year" for UK economy
Think tank says outlook remains very uncertainNet migration to fall to 140,000 in 2013 but could rise again in 2014
Think tank says govt will miss their 'tens of thousands' target