Press releases

List of press Articles

  1. Chancellor's fiscal rules 'a busted flush'

    ore help for childcare would have helped working families more
  2. The not-so-new politics

  3. Northern economy could boost UK economy by £41bn

    North needs powers to stop being squeezed between Alex Salmond & Boris Johnson
  4. Energy Bill should get smarter on energy intensive industries

    esponding to the Government's plan to exempt energy intensive industries, the think tank IPPR is calling for smarter incentives for innovation instead?
  5. Fall in the number foreign students will come at a significant economic cost

    et migration remains above 180,000 despite govt target
  6. The rich will not 'shoulder the greatest burden' after the Autumn Statement

    f speculation that the Chancellor will maintain an 80:20 ratio on cuts and tax rises is confirmed in next week's Autumn Statement, it will be the end of 'the rich shouldering the greatest burden', according to the IPPR think tank.
  7. Leveson's new press watchdog must be part of wider media reform

    The Leveson Inquiry should be a catalyst for change across the media industries, a new report from the think tank IPPR argues today.
  8. Northern England needs a 'Boris' figure

    conomic commission says Northern England needs TfL for the North
  9. Energy Bill fails to commit to 2030 decarbonisation target

    ECC's announcement leaves door open to misguided 'dash for gas'
  10. Democratic leadership needed for EU as part of radical reform agenda

    russels's failings need to be tackled, but that's no reason to leave.
  11. Welcome fall in unemployment

    ong-term unemployment rises again.
  12. Long-term unemployment still affecting 900,000 in UK

    weden offers lessons on how to tackle unemployment and cut deficit after a recession.