Press releases

List of press Articles

  1. Squeezed generation unable to save & saddled with debts

    orrying gap between the amount young people on low incomes have in savings accounts & their perception of how much they really need
  2. IPPR launches new Commission on the Future of Higher Education in England

    ommission will address how HE can respond to challenges over next twenty years?
  3. Chancellor urged to rethink childcare tax relief idea

    PPR makes case for universal childcare service
  4. Small companies key to recovery

    redit-fuelled asset markets have encouraged greater speculation, displacing more traditional long-term investment strategies
  5. UK economy will get worse before it gets better

    Underlying growth last year just 0.3%
  6. Government needs to protect 'community pubs'

    New figures show Britain losing 16 pubs a week
  7. Employee reps needed to tackle top pay excess

    IPPR welcomes greater transparency through new distribution statements
  8. Discredited credit ratings agencies in NHS could pose conflict of interest

    Monitor to outsource financial oversight of public & private providers of NHS
  9. Urgent need for extension of 'Youth Contract' as youth unemployment tops 22%

    Govt need to help third of unemployed out of work for more than a year
  10. Claimant counts for North East, Yorkshire and Humber, London, Scotland and Northern Ireland all higher than at their recession peaks

    Govt should guarantee a job for everyone who has been unemployed for more than a year paid at the minimum wage, targeting the worst affected areas first
  11. Future of England in a devolved union can't be decided by expert commission

    79% of English voters want Scottish MPs barred from votes on English only laws
  12. Up to twenty job seekers chasing every vacancy in struggling pockets of the UK

    IPPR North calls for a job guarantee in worst affected areas