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Friendly to families, unfriendly to women
Tomorrow, Nick Clegg will announce that the right to request flexible working will be extended to all employeesJunior ISAs failing to boost children's savings
Regressive tax break" in ISAs not helping under-30s to save for a rainy dayUK should hold 'in-out' referendum on Europe after next election
ositive case could win campaign for Britain to stay inUK should offer up the rebate to negotiate EU budget cut
K veto won't stop EU budget rising but will side-line Britain from EuropeOut of recession - but Government's fiscal policy continues to hold back growth
he Office for National Statistics has confirmed that the UK economy emerged from recession during the third quarter of 2012. Real GDP increased by 1.0 per cent - its fastest for five years and well above expectations. However, IPPR…IPPR backs Milburn's call on EMA & uni admissions
esponding to Alan Milburn's new report, IPPR has welcomed the focus on support for poorer teenagers with the potential to achieve at top universities.Welcome fall in unemployment shows Olympic effect
ong-term unemployment at 16 year high rises againHidden unemployment' among part-time & self-employed
ong-term unemployment at 16 year high & youth unemployment risingCutting childcare regulation not best way to reduce cost for parents
inisters urged to look to Denmark & not NetherlandsYorkshire should learn from Scotland's ambition
y the end of 2014 Scotland could be an independent country. Following the meeting between Alex Salmond and David Cameron yesterday, a deal has been hammered out that means the Scots will have a referendum in Autumn 2014 on whether or not…What will Scottish independence mean for the north?
deal between the Scottish and UK governments was announced yesterday, setting out the arrangements for the referendum vote. With the process settled, the starting gun has now been fired on the debate about the real issues.Rise in apprenticeships masks fall in starts by young people
esponding to the latest official statistics on the number of apprenticeships released today, the think tank IPPR warns that employers are shifting workers onto apprenticeships in order to continue getting government funding.