Press releases

List of press Articles

  1. New report is not a 'gotcha moment' proving that immigration causes unemployment, says IPPR

    igration Advisory Committee (MAC) report identifies 'association' between immigration and employment.
  2. Executive pay outstrips performance in FTSE 100 companies

    CEO average pay up 33 per cent, to £5m
  3. Thatcher's 'right to buy' needs 21st century boost

    million housing association tenants should be given the 'right to buy', according to a new paper for IPPR by leading backbenchers David Davis MP and Frank Field MP.
  4. Net migration likely to fall below 200,000 in 2012

    Net migration driven by economic outlook as much as immigration curbs
  5. Warning of 'lost decade' for UK house-building

    Government 'subsidising stagnation' unless state support for the construction industry is turned into new house-building
  6. 2012 economic outlook "bleak"

    IPPR predicts "no happy new year" for UK economy
  7. Transport spend per head is £2,700 for London but £5 per head in North East

    Transport spending system is broken
  8. Questions to answer on 'troubled families' policy

    ew 'troubleshooters' similar to Family Intervention Projects
  9. Private sector not replacing lost public sector jobs

    esponding to the latest UK unemployment statistics release today, think tank IPPR is urging the Government to extend the 'youth contract' to guarantee everyone out of work for more than a year a job.
  10. Female unemployment set to rise

    Childcare pays for itself & would raise female employment rate
  11. New polling shows Londoners are proud of their city but don't want stronger London government

    ight out of ten are proud to be a Londoner but only one in five support increasing the powers of the Mayor.
  12. Stellar line-up of speakers for London's biggest conference of 2011

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