Press releases

List of press Articles

  1. Teach First scheme for Children's Social Work needed

    he successful Teach First model should be used to meet the growing need for quality graduates in children's social work, according to a new report published by the think tank IPPR today.
  2. Juncture debate: Michael Sandel in conversation with Nick Pearce

  3. Northern Economic Summary: September 2012

    PPR North's quarter three economic summary shows that the most recent unemployment figures suggest an upturn in the fortunes of the Northern labour market, despite the confirmation that the national economy entered a double dip recession…
  4. No easy options in next year's Spending Review

    PPR calculations show tough choices faces by all parties for their election manifestos
  5. Britain needs a fully fledged British Investment Bank

    ritish Investment Bank must support infrastructure projects as well as small businesses
  6. Long-term unemployment hits 16 year high

    outh unemployment rises for first time since Youth Contract introduced
  7. Simpler sackings won't tackle unemployment

    overnment talk of deregulating to make 'hiring and firing' easier for small businesses will not get the economy growing again and will not tackle long-term unemployment, according to the think tank IPPR. The new unemployment figures are…
  8. Labour, the constitution and the politics of identity

  9. Lessons to learn about educational inequality

    he start of the school year has seen the government pledge, once again, to narrow the education divide between rich and poor pupils. It certainly has its work cut out - last year children from poorer homes scored about half as well as…
  10. Free schools & academies can only close GCSE attainment gap by a fifth

    hink tank says one-to-one tuition & early years investment needed too.
  11. Just how green is the Coalition?

    ate last year, Britain's economy fell back into a double dip recession as government and consumers cut back on spending. Figures released last month show that things are getting worse, not better. But there is a glimmer of green light…
  12. Little progress towards immigration target comes at significant economic cost

    et migration remains above 200,000 despite govt target