Press releases

List of press Articles

  1. Osborne wrong on short-term demand and tax credit squeeze

    IPPR welcomes new capital investment and extra childcare
  2. Employment won't return to pre-recession levels until after 2020 in North East and West Midlands

    sborne urged not to forget struggling regions.
  3. Ten ideas for Osborne to boost growth

    hancellor George Osborne should guarantee jobs for young people who have been out of work for a year and boost public spending on infrastructure to get Britain back to work, according to a new report published today by the IPPR think tank.
  4. Housing Strategy misses a trick

    Warning of 'lost decade' for house building
  5. More than a million young people unemployed

    IPPR welcomes plans to increase apprenticeships for young people
  6. Female unemployment will worsen as public sector cuts bite

    esponding to today's unemployment figures, IPPR North warn that female unemployment will continue to rise as a result of the government cuts to the public sector.
  7. More apprenticeships needed to tackle youth unemployment

    head of unemployment figures expected to show youth unemployment topping 1 million, new research from the think tank IPPR shows that Government apprenticeship schemes are not helping enough young people out of unemployment.?
  8. Government to investigate UK banks' discrimination against women

    K banks are discriminating against women, according to a paper by Professor Noreena Hertz, published by the think tank IPPR today.
  9. Londoners confident of future economic prospects but Northerners despair as public sector job cuts bite

    21,000 public sector jobs cut in the North, while South gains 32,000 more public sector jobs
  10. Jobs recession inevitable

    UK slowdown not due to Eurozone crisis
  11. Recession could last six years

    Growth figures will show slowest recovery in history
  12. Junior ISAs questioned

    Scrapping Child Trust Funds could make savings gap worse for squeezed savers