Press releases

List of press Articles

  1. Government should retain the Child Trust Fund for kids in care, says ippr

    ens of thousands of children in care will lose a vital nest egg for the future when the government abolishes the Child Trust Fund (CTF) on New Year's Day, according to ippr, the think-tank that first proposed the scheme.
  2. Without local financial powers, Pickles' Bill is 'lipstick localism'

    esponding to the publication of the Localism Bill today (Monday 13 December) ippr welcomes the decentralisation of key powers to councils and communities but says that the Bill represents a cosmetic commitment to localism as it does not…
  3. Peter Mandelson to chair major ippr project on the future of globalisation

    s the consequences of the global financial crisis continue to reverberate across the world, ippr is today announcing the launch of a major new project on the future of globalisation, to be led by Lord Mandelson.
  4. Student visa crackdown will hit university income

    esponding to the proposed reform of the student visa system by the Home Office, ippr is warning of serious impacts on university and college income.
  5. IPPRwelcomes Ken Clarke's green paper on rehabilitating offenders

    head of the publication of the justice secretary Ken Clarke's green paper on prison sentencing, ippr Director Nick Pearce said: 'It is very welcome to see a Conservative politician have the courage of his liberal convictions and argue that…
  6. Community organisations urged to make the 'enterprise leap' to boost Big Society

    new guide published today by the leading thinktank, ippr north, highlights the key steps that need to be taken by community organisations to enable them to become more enterprising and efficient in the face of government spending cuts.
  7. Frank Field is wrong to ignore importance of family income in improving life chances for under 5s

    esponding to Frank Field's independent review on poverty and life chances, ippr warns the government not to ignore family income as a critical measure of the quality of children's lives. Young children will continue to struggle if they…
  8. Public enthusiastic to join the 'Big Society', but put off by time constraints and red tape

    A new report by PwC and ippr
  9. Immigration target will harm economy

    ppr says that the government cannot meet its immigration target without harming the economy and public services.
  10. Fuelling Recovery: A guest essay

    hilip Kerr of Innovas Consulting reflects on Global Entrepreneurs Week and the importance of enterprise education in this guest essay.
  11. Challenge for Pickles: let councils raise 50% of their funds through local taxes

    head of the publication of the Local Government Bill, ippr north says the Secretary of State, Eric Pickles, is paying lip service to localism which will only be achieved if local councils are raising 50 per cent of their finance from local…
  12. Pupil premium' is at risk of being spent on the wrong children

    head of the Education white paper this week, ippr is urging the government to ensure that the new 'pupil premium' is spent on individual children from disadvantaged backgrounds and not diverted within schools to other pupils because of new…